
Grumpy Cat

It’s the sort of move that could send an acting
career soaring: every agency courting you, every
script you get exponentially better than the last,
every designer sending you free bags to show off
when you’re inevitably papped .
Or, you know, not. But that’s okay, too, right?
Forget Oscar consideration — who could turn
down the opportunity to play one of modern
America’s great cultural icons in a made-for-
television Lifetime Christmas movie special?
Certainly not Aubrey Plaza. That young lady’s
got her head screwed on straight. Which is why
she’ll be the voice of none other than (drum roll,
please) Grumpy Cat!
The Hollywood Reporter said Plaza will be
voicing the much-loved Internet sensation in the
Lifetime movie “Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas
Aubrey Plaza at 2014 Toronto International Film
Festival. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty
Plaza’s recognizable from her work on “Parks
and Recreation,” in which she played April
Ludgate, and “ Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,” but
she’s taking on high honors playing Grumpy Cat,
whose real name is actually [sic] Tardar Sauce.
Grumpy Cat does some top-notch emoting —
even Stella Adler couldn’t ask for more. And now,
Plaza will basically be acting as feline translator.
Move over, Lassie. There’s a new girl in town,
and she’s even got a human to voice her.
Grumpy Cat’s been on “American Idol” and had a
front row seat at this year’s MTV Movie Awards.
As Kanye West would say, bow in the presence
of greatness.
“Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever” is
scheduled to air Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
Soraya Nadia McDonald covers arts,
entertainment and culture for the Washington
Post with a focus on race and gender issues.
 
By : wikipedia.com

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